Renewable Energy
A project in search of integration and innovation in the North of Brazil
Renewable Energy
A project in search of integration and innovation in the North of Brazil
Renewable Energy
A project in search of integration and innovation in the North of Brazil
Renewable Energy
A project in search of integration and innovation in the North of Brazil
Who we are
OXE Energia is a company formed by a group of Brazilian investors, with a focus on implementing four thermoelectric generating plants in the surroundings of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. It consists of a clean and sustainable electricity generation project, through the use of reforested wood splinter.
About Us
The Project
It consists of a power generation project, biomass vapor driven using wood splinter fuel of Acacia mangium. 4 thermoelectric plants will be installed in pairs, in 2 Operational Centers: (i) Pau Rainha / Santa Luz and (ii) Cantá / Bonfim. Each thermoelectric plant will have a nominal installed capacity of 10MW.

Forest biomass of Acacia mangium, a renewable source of raw material, from commercial forest plantations in the region of coverage of the thermoelectric

Combustion of vegetable biomass, in the form of chopped wood.

Clean, sustainable and renewable energy provided for the region of Roraima.
Rua Levindo Inácio de Oliveira, 1.117 – 1o andar
Boa Vista – Roraima
Phone: +55 (95) 3623-9393