How it all began
The energy supply is important for regional and national development, since the guarantee of energetic sufficiency provides security and efficiency for local activities, also opening doors for the implementation of companies, goods and services industries, besides guaranteeing a more decent lifestyle for the population, and consequent economic growth.
Nowadays, Roraima is still the only Brazilian state not integrated in the National Interconnected System. Since 2001, the state was supplied primarily by electric energy produced in Venezuela and, secondarily, by local thermoelectric plants.
In March 2019, the power transmission from the neighboring country was cut, and Roraima began to obtain electricity only from its thermoelectric plants, an expensive and extremely polluting source, with daily consumption of fuel, ranging from 700 to 1,100 thousand liters. Therefore, ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency) promoted an auction on May 31, 2019, in order to find projects that could solve the problem of energy insufficiency in Boa Vista and connected locations.

Energy supply is important for regional and national development, as it drives economic, social and territorial growth.
The Solution: OXE Energia
That was how OXE Energia Biomass Thermal Project emerged, as the winner of the 2019 auction, presenting a low polluting potential alternative, also with low implementation and maintenance costs: biomass thermoelectric plant, using as fuel reforested wood of Acacia mangium. There will be 4 biomass thermal plants (Bonfim, Cantá, Pau Rainha and Santa Luz), built in two clusters in the surroundings of Boa Vista, with a nominal installed capacity of 10.0 MW per plant, totaling 46.0 MW.
The main goal of this venture is to diversify even more the supply of energy sources in Roraima and in the northern region of Brazil, taking into account the growing number of electricity demand from consumers. Furthermore, by prioritizing the use of a renewable source of raw material, cheap, efficient and sustainable energy will be available to the region.

Prioritize the use of biomass as a primary source of energy is attractive because of the favorable conditions offered by the environment for a high capacity of reproduction, both in the natural forest and in systematic plantations. As a result, this alternative has the advantage of developing local economy due to the use of native or cultivated products, from the territory, in the circle of energy production.
In addition, as a thermal plant, the potential of a thermoelectric plant does not depend on seasonal climatic conditions, such as hydroelectric plants, allowing permanent and integral availability of stable energy to be delivered to the area.